Welcome to the Malta IT Law Association
The advancements and constant developments of information and communications technologies and their timely adoption to further drive economic growth have truly revolutionized Malta.
Technology brings empowerment which inevitably necessitates sustainable legal frameworks which can quickly react to innovation and the knowledge economy.
The driving force behind MITLA is to assist local technological empowerment through technology neutral legal frameworks by providing a specialized forum where legal developments within the ICT sector can be studied, discussed and championed.
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25 Mar
Human rights of businesses in the UK
While it is often assumed that human rights are reserved for human beings, companies are legal persons having rights in law and do enjoy the protections afforded by human rights […]
25 Mar
UK pharmaceutical report highlights investment concerns for industry
A recent statement from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) highlights a number of concerning issues for the UK industry, an expert has said. Read Complete Article