Gender Equality Plan (GEP)


The Malta IT Law Association (MITLA) is committed to promoting gender equality within its organisation and throughout its activities. As an organisation dedicated to advancing information technology law, MITLA recognises the importance of fostering an inclusive environment that supports diversity in all its forms. This Gender Equality Plan (GEP) outlines our commitment to gender equality and the specific actions we will undertake to achieve this goal.


The key objectives of MITLA’s GEP are

  • To ensure equal opportunities for all genders in recruitment, career progression, and leadership within the organisation.
  • To integrate gender equality into all aspects of our activities, including research, teaching content, and outreach.
  • To promote a work-life balance and create an organisational culture that supports all members regardless of gender.
  • To prevent gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, and to establish a safe environment for all members.

Dedicated Resources

MITLA commits to dedicating appropriate resources to the design, implementation, and monitoring of this GEP. Specifically:

  • Equality Officer: An Equality Officer will be appointed to oversee the implementation of the GEP, ensuring that all actions are effectively carried out and monitored. By default, the President of the organisation also fulfils this role.
  • Gender Equality Team: A Gender Equality Team may be established, consisting of members from various levels of the organisation. This team will work closely with the Equality Officer to drive the GEP initiatives.
  • Budget Allocation: MITLA will allocate specific funding for gender equality initiatives, including training, workshops, and the development of resources that support gender equality within the organisation. For the first year, the budget shall be €1,250

Data Collection and Monitoring

MITLA will implement a systematic approach to data collection and monitoring to ensure that the GEP is evidence-based and effective.

  • Baseline Data: MITLA will collect sex or gender-disaggregated data across all categories of its operation, mainly: Executive Board composition, and membership composition.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: This data will be used to set clear objectives and targets. The Equality Officer will be responsible for monitoring progress and reporting on an annual basis. This report will be publicly available and will detail progress made against the GEP’s objectives and actions.

Training and Capacity-Building

MITLA recognises the importance of building gender competence across the organisation. To this end, we will:

  • Unconscious Bias Training: Provide training for all members of MITLA on unconscious gender biases and their impact on decision-making and organisational culture.
  • Gender Equality Workshops: Organise workshops and seminars that raise awareness about gender equality issues, promote best practices, and encourage active participation in gender equality initiatives.

Thematic Areas for Content

MITLA’s GEP will focus on the following thematic areas:

  • Gender Balance in Leadership and Decision-Making: We aim to achieve a balanced representation of genders in leadership positions within MITLA. This includes setting targets for gender representation in the Executive Committee and other decision-making bodies within the organisation.
  • Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Progression: MITLA will ensure that recruitment processes are free from gender bias and that career progression opportunities are equally accessible to all genders. We will actively promote gender diversity in our recruitment efforts and support the professional development of underrepresented genders.
  • Integration of the Gender Dimension into Research and Teaching Content: MITLA will integrate gender perspectives into its research activities and the content it produces. This includes considering the impact of gender in ICT Law and promoting research that addresses gender-related issues in the field.


MITLA is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable environment for all its members. This GEP is a living document that will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect progress and respond to emerging challenges. Through the implementation of this plan, MITLA aims to set an example in the ICT Law sector and contribute to the broader goal of achieving gender equality in research and innovation.

This Gender Equality Plan is approved and endorsed by MITLA’s Executive Committee and will be disseminated widely within the organisation and publicly available on our website.

Approved by:
Dr. Antonio Ghio
1st September 2024

MITLA is a member of the INPLP

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